Saturday, June 9, 2012

Product Review: Bobelock Cello Case #2000

DO buy the Bobelock Cello Case #2002, as long as you can handle the smell!

(Yes, this is my actual cello case...before it got all scuffed from beating it into walls)

Why? I will tell you why.

I love this case. Everyone else loves this case. (mostly because it's yellow)
If you ever want to get people to notice you, walk around town with one of these babies.
I guarantee you will get at least 5 people who tell you what a cool case you have.
The most common comment? "That is QUITE a case you have there!"
My response? "Thanks..."

When I received the case in the mail, it came in a huge box.
I was super excited and tore right into it.

The case looked great and had been well-packaged.
The latches close nicely and don't leave any gaps. (they also LOCK)
It's very light!
No wheels, nice!!! (I hate when my cello decides to roll away by itself)
It seems to protect my cello well for being a more lightweight case.
It's the perfect canvas for some vinyl graphics. (coming soon)
The interior is a nice blue velvet.
Two bow holders.
The carrying handle on the side of the case is very sturdy and will probably last a long time.

I switched out the Bobelock shoulder straps with the Bam case straps that have the hardcore mountain climbing caribiners on them.
Ever since I saw a friend's case hit the floor because the stupid latch on his strap didn't lock like this one does, I will never use another shoulder strap again unless it's the one below.

But wait...what the heck is that smell?!?!?!

This case is a real stinker.
Yes, I know that plastic or fiberglass or glue or whatever else this case might be made of has an odor to it, especially when new...but c'mon. It reeked.

I thought maybe it just needed time to air out.
I left the case open for days on end.
I Febreezed it.
I tried moth balls.
I used some kind of sachet that smelled like lavender.
I bought one of those cans of scent that is supposed to suck the smell out of a smoky car.

Nothing worked...

It even made my cello smell weird.
It became embarrassing to go to orchestra rehearsal.
I swore that everyone could smell my funky case and now my cello too.

Also, there is no real music pocket in the case. *shrug* I'm so used to always carrying my music in a separate bag, it's not really a big deal.

I never did find a solution to that smell. It faded over time. I've had this case for about 3 years, and I can still smell it faintly. I guess that's part of its charm :)

I love this case!

Thanks for reading this.
Comment on this review if it helped you!


  1. Sorry about the smell I guess my nose is used to it. Steve Bobelock I am constantly sniffing cases to see if they smell.

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