Saturday, May 26, 2012

Product Review: Stridex Single-Step Acne Control Pads-2% Salicylic Acid

DON'T buy Stridex Single-Step Acne Control Pads-2% Salicylic Acid

Why? I will tell you why.

Unless you are Jermaine Jackson or the late, great Whitney Houston, these pads just have WAY too much salicylic acid in them for any normal person's face. The moment one of these touched my face, the skin became so tight and dry that I thought I had accidentally put on one of those peel-away cucumber-scented masks. I wanted to rip my own face off. That's probably not a good thing.

It says, "Do not leave pad on the skin for an extended period of time" on the back of the box. That scares me a little. It also ruined my plan to sleep with it directly on one of my zits. Knowing my luck, I would wake-up in the morning with a giant hole in my face.

Some questions you might have:

1. "Jess, do some people have VERY oily skin?"
 Yes, but this is STILL too much acid for you.
2. "Jess, what about my disgusting, cavernous zits? Won't this help?"
I am pretty sure that this will do the same thing to your zits as it did to mine...make them so dry that it flakes your skin off...which causes you to put on more moisturizer...which makes your face feel greasy's a vicious cycle! These pads will suck the life right out of your face.
3. "Jess, is there another version of this product with less salicylic acid in it?"

DO buy Stridex Single-Step Acne Control Pads- 1% or .5% Salicylic Acid

It's a proven fact that salicylic acid is the best treatment for blackheads, as it really gets into your pores and cleans them out. One thing you may not know though, is that if you are using a product that also contains alcohol, it is also irritating your pores. These Stridex pads are excellent and also alcohol-free.

*The blue box on the right is the same product, but with 1% salicylic acid in it. This would be the best bet for someone with very oily skin and lots of breakouts and blackheads.

*The green box on the right contains only .5% salicylic acid, and as it says on the box, is good for people with sensitive skin. I like this one the best, because I feel like it has just the right amount of acid for people with moderately dry or oily skin and occasional breakouts and blackheads. (Like ME!!!)

*Do it in this order: Wash your face. Pat your face dry. Use a Stridex pad all over your face. Wait until dry. Moisturize!! (even if your face is usually oily, you HAVE to moisturize. It actually prevents the face from over-producing more oil!)

As a person who is constantly buying new products, as well as researching them online, I have always found honest product reviews to be very helpful.

Thanks for reading this.
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